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abhishekhar22 4 year ago

Plese raise voice of fruit sellers of Nalanda, Bihar....nitish ku govt have lodged case against those who were having bhagwa bajrangDal flag on their thelas.

Nabarun DeyGuest 4 year ago

ISI and Wahabbism in India is checkmated.What goes on in the name of fringe players are mere show of frustration.

AbhilashGuest 4 year ago

The undeniable fact is Sanatan Dharma will receive no help from Wahabbis. Oman is ruled by a comparitively tolerant monarchy because of the ruling family. But it is only a matter of time before it is overturned and gets converted to another wahabi theocracy considering the changes in Muslims observed since the influx of oil money. Radicals go by the book, so other Muslims cannot oppose it without risking allegations of "blasphemy". The friendly posture by many Middle East countries is only a tactic used to prevent India from getting close to Iran, not because of any "civilizational" ties or such nonsense. End of the day, Islam and Christianity are not friends of India. Europe now devoid of xtian influence is a more reliable allay. Its better to draw the line now instead of being fooled into not acting against Islamic radic outfits out of concern about harming "friendly" relations with Middle East wahabis. Buy oil from Russia, Venezeula or US (non fracking crude) even at a higher cost of transportation. We should not finance terrorists indirectly. In case of a war with Pakistan, I dont forsee any of the Muslim countries siding with India, not even Indonesia which at best will remain neutral. Stop Indians from working in Gulf countries, its the primary source of wahabi indoctrination. There are sufficient job opportunities in India, and tremendous scope for growth if red tapism which prevents competition with China is eliminated.
